All donations to SoBo Central are fully tax-deductible and non-refundable. If a program of soboCentral should cease operations and there are accrued donations earmarked for that program, the soboCentral Board of Directors will redirect the donations to another of soboCentral's programs with the highest need and greatest impact.
By making a donation, the Donor is agreeing to these terms.
By making a donation, the Donor is agreeing to these terms.

Donations can be made out to:
Sobo Central
P.O. Box 512
South Berwick, ME 03908
Please indicate on check which program should receive your donation.
Scan the QR or follow this link to donate with a credit card:
Please indicate which program your donation is for.
Sobo Central
P.O. Box 512
South Berwick, ME 03908
Please indicate on check which program should receive your donation.
Scan the QR or follow this link to donate with a credit card:
Please indicate which program your donation is for.